A sunny but rather chilly day today, so I spent the day indoors catching up on the household chores. Whilst tidying my over burdened desk I came across some seed catalogs that I had dumped there a few weeks ago and forgotten about along with several packets of seeds. As I flicked through the catalogs the fruit trees caught my eye. I would love to have fruit trees in the garden but we unfortunately do not have the room, however I noticed they do patio fruit trees, which gives an ample supply of fruit. I have been looking out into the garden to see where I could put a tree or two, and I think there's certainly enough room for at least two. Now all I need to do is decide which fruit to have, I'm undecided between the plum and cherries.
On inspecting the seed trays a glint of green caught my eye! The tomatoes and chilies are now poking through as are the Lychins and Sweet Williams. The lovely sunshine we have had for the past few days have obviously helped. The greenhouse is going up on Friday, so I shall be in the garden tomorrow clearing the last few bits away and cutting back the bracken that keeps coming through the fence.
And finally.....I have been busy working on a new web page, a scrumptious courgette chutney which is available to view via the following link
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