Saturday, 7 April 2012

The girls have been having a great time in the run today. I lifted up the slabs and piled them up one side and there were hundreds of worms and other wiggly things. I put down the bark and let the girls out of the enclosure and it was one mad rush. Bark was flying in all directions with lots of clucking and flapping. It was like a scene from the January sales! They are still now busy flicking and digging. We only had the two eggs today however we all enjoyed poached eggs with breakfast this morning.

I have been quite busy pottering about in the garden today. I planted out the remaining strawberry plants,quite a few already have flowers on.

I pricked out some of the flowers that were sown several weeks ago and potted them up. For those of you that don't know what pricking out is, it is where you have sown seeds in a tray and you need to carefully lift them out and put them into individual pots. It is quite a fiddly job and you have to be so careful not to damage the little plants. There were Malope, Lychins and Sweet Williams, I done about a hundred plants today. My dad has been busy digging new flowerbeds so he will be pleased as he will have plenty of plants to fill them up with.
seedlings potted
Prior to pricking out

I sowed some French marigolds today, these are ideal as a companion plant, which will be planted among the vegetables as they help to keep pests away from your crops as the snails and other bugs love them and they help to attract the bees which aides pollination. A great way to be more organic in you pest control. I also sowed some cosmos from seeds that I saved from last years plants. These are prolific with their seed scattering and there are hundreds emerging in one of the flower beds in the front which still needs to be removed. Another job to add to my ever expanding to do list!

We are gradually getting through the job list, whether they will all get done is anybodies guess. We are going to Ardleigh tomorrow, where they have a big bootsale. I am after some more containers for the garden and I might even grab a plant or two! If you are starting out on gardening bootsales are the ideal place to buy your gardening tools. Not only is it cheaper but you often find the tools are much better quality than if you were to buy new cheaper tools. Last year I bought a ladies gardening fork for £8.00, it was old but very good quality and condition. If I were to buy a new one it would of been double the price.

The herbs I sowed a couple of weeks ago are now starting to shoot as are the extra tomato plants. One of the courgettes is up, and I'm hoping it won't be long before the others are out too. Still no sign of the pumpkins or aubergines yet though.

It has been a rather chilly day however the sun is now shining. I think we are in for some rain again tonight, which is great as my water butts are still standing empty!

And finally....I have a glass of rose' with my name on so I shall bid you all a good evening/day x

Opps I nearly forgot some new recipes have been added, so why not take a look and see if anything takes your fancy

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