Wednesday, 6 June 2012

the puzzle of the cumbrits

the puzzle

Remember I said I have got in a muddle over what were my melons, pumpkins and squashes, well here they are. The ones of the left I think are the melons, the one with the label is the courgette and the ones you can't see  as I'm not good with the camera is the pumpkin and squash. Well that is if I have remembered correctly but we will have to wait and see.

This is the broad beans, as you can see lots of pods soon ready for more pickings. My neighbors broad bean plants are twice the size of mine and he has about thirty or more plants. They obviously like their broad beans!

This is the sweet peas, as you can see there is a rogue rubber bean growing in there too. I grew runner beans in these pot last year. I though I would leave it to grow and see what develops.

The cabbages have had a big growth spurt since the last photo, I'm looking forward to  having some of these.

And finally some of the tomatoes that I potted up.

Today has been quite a dry and warm day however rain has been forecast for the rest of the week and Saturday has been forecast dry and sunny then downpours for Sunday. Looks like Saturday  will be the only gardening day this week unless the forecast is wrong. We can always live in hope.


  1. There's always something that I don't label and then I'm left wondering what it is. My tomatoes are still in smaller sized pots, they just don't seem to be growing this year. I'm hoping that we get some warmer weather and then they come on leaps and bounds, but I think it's wishful thinking.

    1. Hi Jo, I always forget to label the variety usually, however this time it is more problematic as they all look exactly the same! One day I will learn.


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