That is the last of the first earlies potatoes and I have six more bags of earlies left and that is all the potatoes harvested. There are lots of pods on the peas however not as many as I thought were ready for picking but there is just enough for dinner tonight.
The onions have almost dried out and will be ready for stringing together at the weekend I should think. The Spring sown onions are really starting to swell now so they will hopefully be a better crop.
I picked another handful of strawberries and some more sweet peas that smell wonderful.
I forgot to mention that Clyde has been to the vets, they are not sure what is wrong with him. He had a couple of jabs and has got to go back again tomorrow to be checked over again. Fingers crossed it is nothing serious. He is still not himself however he did perk up when he had scrambled egg for his dinner.
Well that is it for another day, until next time x
Archie loves scrambled egg. Do let us know how Clyde gets on at the vet's, fingers crossed he's back to his usual self soon.